About Us

Based in Toronto, Canada, ManagingLife was founded in 2012. We created the first pain management app for Android, and are now a leader in digital pain management solutions.
toronto skyline

Our Team

The smartest minds have come together to build the most powerful pain management platform for patients and healthcare professionals
  • Founder & CEO
    Formerly Strategy & Analytics, IBM
  • Medical Director
    Dir. of Pain Services at Toronto General Hospital and Pres. Elect of Canadian Pain Society
  • Research Director
    Tier I Canada Research Chair,
    Distinguished Professor of Psychology, York University
  • Maxwell Slepian, PhD, CPsych
    Clinical Psychologist
    Clinical Psychologist at Toronto General Hospital
  • Lead Product Engineer
  • James Skoric
    Machine Learning Scientist
    Machine Learning Research Scientist at McGill University
  • Lead Mobile Developer
  • Anmol Nagpal
    Director of Security
  • Enrina Wilms
    Website Designer
  • Salman Saif
    UX / UI Designer
  • Front-end Developer
  • Ivan Strygin, PhD
    Solution Architect
    .wrk Team Member
  • Lead Backend Developer
    .wrk Team Member


Our Supporters

Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization Logo
Canadian Technology Accelerator Logo
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The Ontario Centre of Innovation logo
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creative destruction lab logo
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Contact Us

We help patients and healthcare professionals to better measure and manage pain and medications. Reach out if you would like a demo or wish to learn more.
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18 King Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M5C 1C4
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